Wireless Lan
Public Access (Hot       




Our Services » Public Access (Hot Spots)

When it comes to WiFi wireless LANs, people love to talk about hot spots, probably because the phrase seems so, um, spot-on. As they're deployed now, WiFi access points typically fire up only small areas: coffee shops, city parks, office conference rooms. WiFi makes these places brim with megabits of bandwidth, albeit bandwidth that's only available as long as you stay put.

The particular place where a user can access the internet with the help of WLAN is known as hotspot. It may be any place like airports, train stations, libraries, marinas, conventions centers, hotels, and café shops. They possess limited reach of access. Hot Spots provide easy Internet access to users of notebook PCs and other devices equipped with IEEE 802.11 technology.

How Public Access WLANs works?

Wiband Inc. place Access Points at a "WLAN hotspot" which transmit a wireless signal to the wireless card in a user's computer. Users connect through a log-in page in their Internet Web browser. Coverage extends over a 50- to 150-meter radius of the access point. Connection speeds range from 1.6 Mbps with OpenAir technology to 11 Mbps with the IEEE 802.11b wireless Ethernet standard better known as WiFi.

Offer Hot Spots Securely and Simple.

With Wifiband Inc. you can offer your employees, guests or network users - fast, secure internet access. With a public access Wireless LAN solution, or a "hotspot". Any customer with a notebook computer can visit your venue and get online. Public Access hotpots benefit your business, increasing customer satisfaction, build loyalty and increased customer traffic. Hotspots offer new revenue opportunities.